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Calibration facility for portable gamma-ray spectrometers

Straz pod Ralskem, Czech Republic

  Building of the original Bratkovice facility in the year 1975

overall view


geophysicist Jan Zeman weighs the thorium ore for mixing with concrete

  Preparation for redeployment to Straz pod Ralskem in the year 2009

Prof. Milan Matolin measures spectrum of gamma radiation in possible new site


measuring of gamma spectrum in the surrounding of the tested site

  Bratkovice: loading of the standards before the movement
to Straz pod Ralskem (November 9th, 2009)

removing of the well logging uranium standard through the opening in the roof


placing of the four ton cylinders on the trailer


labeling of the load before the departure to Straz pod Ralskem


Redeployment of the facility from Bratkovice to Straz pod Ralskem