Czech version English version









Calibration facility for portable gamma-ray spectrometers

Straz pod Ralskem, Czech Republic

The calibration facility was constructed by the Czechoslovak Uranium Industry in 1975, originally in Bratkovice near Pribram. It serves for calibration of portable, car-borne, airborne and logging gama-ray spectrometers used in geological mapping, uranium exploration and environmental studies.

Scheme of the high volume gamma standards

Airborne and ground radiometric measurements conducted in former Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic since 1975 are levelled to calibration pads at this calibration facility. The facility was moved to Straz pod Ralskem in 2009.

The uranium U-pad with the spectrometer GS-256 (new redeployment, Straz Pod Ralskem)


(1) Rojko, R., Zeman, J., Josovic, M., Stanek, M.: Building of the calibrating facility for the field gamma-ray spectrometers. Final report of the project, Liberec, GPUP, 1975 (in Czech)

(2) Guidelines for radioelement mapping using gamma ray spectrometry data, IAEA, July 2003

Key words:

radiometry, gamma-ray, spectrometry, radiometric, spectrometric, Bratkovice, facility, calibration, calibrating, etalon, etalons, model, models, standard, standards, stratified, potassium, uranium, thorium